Birds Giving Me The Bird
This pair of Cardinals stayed in the brush not letting me take a clear shot. The redder of the pair is the male. The Cardinal is the official state bird of Ohio. Also, the Cardinal is believed to be a positive sign of departed loved ones, who are sending their encouragement in a time of need.
This was taken last week during a break from the rainy, crappy weather at Blendon Woods Metro Park. It's a birder's paradise -- well, not for me that day. The park contains woodlands, ravines, and the 11-acre Thoreau Lake. Yes, named after that Thoreau.
But the name Blendon has a mystery to it. In 1815 Blendon Township broke off from Sharon. Blendon was originally named Harrison. Who was Blendon? The first settlers in Blendon Township were Edward Phelps and Ezra Griswold from Connecticut. I'm a history nerd as well as a nature photographer.
I'll be back, birds!
All the Best,
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